Na/GloPoWriMo 2024 – 14


write an anaphora poem
( beginning multiple lines with the same word or phrase)
of at least ten lines.




Staring over the sea, to see how water and horizon meet without hesitation.

Staring to the people around me to find none sees me as all are in their own minds and consider themselves the center of the world without hesitation.

Staring into the sky, trying to discover what’s in the depth of space, phantasizing about going there without any hesitation.

Staring in the eyes of the doctor who tells me I probably won’t be alive next morning floating to the ancient knowledge of buddhism about dying without any hesitation.

Staring to my feet, touching the earth, creating a small tremor that makes plants grow and animals trying to escape from the shadows without hesitation.

Staring over the fields and feel the threat of the wolf trying to catch a sheep, while the owl calls and monolites are silhouettes against the late evening blue of the silent English skies without hesitation.

Staring into the clouds to accept their soft touch and trying to understand that safety is just the absence of the unknown without hesitation.

Staring to the fire while the hands stretch out to feel the borderline between warm and too hot without hesitation.

Staring, just letting days pass, without realizing time and presence are just concepts for others to understand what life is about without hesitation.

Staring, just staring, and slowly forgetting I am just me, lost in time and space…..staring without any hesitation.

Staring without any hesitation.



©Image: Ractapopulous

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