Na/GloPoWriMo 2024 – 30b


write a poem
in which the speaker is identified with, or compared to,
a character from myth or legend


The Dragon and I


In age old times
under bright green leaves
and fading sun
I played
on rays of golden shine
so innocent, not yet blossoming,
My soul pure and benign.

A dragon came
with force and fire
ready to eat it all
I would not live, not learn to fly
I wouldn’t live till fall.

But stories often turn the world
to understanding and to grace,
Frightened I was, a little one,
standing alone before the giant.
Gone was all my brave.

Instead of fleeing I stood up
looked straight into the dragon’s mouth
then formulated a call for help
turned west, north, east, and south

Help came from all corners of the wood:
faes, trolls, gnomes and lots known by the lore,
they saw the dragon and they saw me,
counted, and we were more!

The dragon, not afraid at all,
wanted to kill us soon,
We, creatures, gathered and said loud:
We’ll conquer him. Now start the tune!

The whisper commenced, from soft to loud,
all voices sounded strong.
I, the smallest, stood right there
and sang my silver song.

The dragon sniffed, stamping his feet,
he wanted to attack,
but a shiver went right through his spine
and the ground showed a large crack

I didn’t know what to do,
The crack got wider, wider yet,
It grew larger than the dragon was,
became an enormous threat.

Then in the middle of the highest tone
I looked him in the eye:
He imagined himself sitting on a throne
It rhymes, so don’t ask me why.

Completely lost in phantasies
the dragon stepped and fell.
His body and his dragon fire
went down and straight to hell.

The earth closed quick and clean,
We, creatures, cheered with joy!
We danced till dawn on a great foy,
The dragon was nevermore seen.

I thanked all who came on my call,
said: I’ll remember this well.
And when I’m grown up at every ball
this story I will tell.




©Image: Kellepics


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